Summer 2022 💻 Family Tech Information
- Students in grades K-4 that will be returning to D41 next year will keep their Chromebooks over the summer.
- When students log in, this will be the login screen they will see:
(Student usernames and passwords will not have changed.)
- Students will need to have their current Chromebook, charger, and bag for next school year. Students starting at Hadley will receive new devices.
Please note: In accordance with the SOPPA law, students should only access websites that they have used with teachers in school. Student accounts are not to be used to sign up for individual or personal subscriptions.

Google ClassroomÂ
(All Google Classrooms will be archived at the end of May unless a teacher reopens it for students to access.)

Google Drive

Tumble Books


Reflex Math

Check out your school’s library homepage for more educational resources available this summer. 

The Glen Ellyn School District uses Securly to keep students safe on their school-issued devices. To help you monitor your child’s online activity, the Glen Ellyn School District has made available the free SecurlyHOME app. This application allows web-based filtering and parental controls on school-issued devices at home. You may set rules to allow or disallow certain websites, pause the internet connection to the device, and receive alerts about possible bullying or self-harm detected in email and web searches. Directions can be found at